Friday, July 31, 2009

House approves caps on executive pay

I can't believe it has come to this: This whole government interference with the financial system is just spiralling out of control. First, we artificially prop up these irresponsible banks (which just encourages them to be risky to get huge payoffs), then we have to try and cap compensation because we are mad that they are doing the logical actions if they know they can't fail.

All I can say is, "whatever". I hear China is becoming more capitalist, I guess I can always move there once we become socialist.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Personal Blog

Hello World!

This will be my personal blog which will pretty much cover any topic that I am personally interested in. Feel free to peruse (which means to go over in great detail, not skim) the material, and hopefully I will keep this blog more up to date than other ones I may or may not have created in the past.
